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If input means change, UI also changes
When you want to convey something to someone, you either speak or write. However we use input means, or methods, to convey our intentions...

Good and Bad Layouts (Part 2)
EXAMPLE OF A BAD LAYOUT At first glance it looks like quite a good layout. But can you actually see if there is anything wrong with it?...

Good and Bad Layouts (Part 1)
The best way to learn how to make a good layout is to imagine that you are working with a puzzle where making its parts larger, smaller...

Affordance in design
An affordance is a relationship between the properties of an object and the capabilities of the user that determine just how the object...

Shape, size, distance - starting point for interface design.
We live surrounded by many kinds of systems with a large variety of screen sizes and types. There are interfaces such as large screens of...

Design how it looks VS design how it works
Design is a very mysterious word. Most people perceive design as the look rather than function. If they say that design isn't good, they...
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